
2005年7月2日-8月4日 長崎-広島 


Stonewalk Japan 2005, July 2nd – August 4th Nagasaki-Hiroshima

“A Global Walk of Remembrance”




1. 戦争による全ての犠牲者、とりわけ、被爆60年にあたり、長崎・広島の原爆による犠牲者を尊ぶこと。

2. 戦争によって民間人が受ける被害について人々に知ってもらう非政治的な模範活動例を作ること。

3. 市町村を巡って、人々が、戦争の惨禍を忘れず、悼み、また和解するために、この活動が歴史に残る出来事になること。

4. 日本だけでなく、アジアやその他の国々の犠牲者とその家族の苦しみに対しての償いと許しを求めること。

5. 広島の碑石として永久的に保存すること。


Mission Statement

The Memorial Stone honoring all people throughout the world who have suffered as a result of war will be pulled on a specially made caisson along the roads through the towns and cities in the five prefectures from Nagasaki to Hiroshima, Japan.


・To honor all victims of armed conflict especially the victims of the atomic bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima during the 60th anniversary.

・To create a non-political model that educates the public  about civilian casualties and the true cost of war.

・To serve as a historic milestone as it passes through bringing people together to remember and lament and seek reconciliation as a commitment to peace.

・To ask for atonement and forgiveness for the suffering of all victims and family members not only in Japan but in all countries in Asia and throughout the world.

・To permanently place the Memorial Stone in Hiroshima.


ストーンウォーク ジャパンの長崎出発は2005年7月と決定。被爆60年に、広島と長崎の原爆投下による犠牲者を悼むために、アメリカと日本の平和を願う人たちが連帯し、行動します。

July, 2005 was the date chosen for Stonewalk-Japan, a mission that connected American and Japanese peacemakers for the 60th anniversary commemorating victims of the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.


Once the Japanese agreed with the plan, The Peace Abbey and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows began preparations to ship the Memorial Stone and the caisson to Japan.  Volunteers in Japan began planning the route, coordinating homestays for people, and sending the message out to the media and organizations to encourage people to join this unprecedented journey.


An opening ceremony with Archbishop Mitsuaki Takami and other dignitaries in Nagasaki took place at the Nagasaki A-bomb Hypocenter Park on July 2nd and ended with a closing ceremony at the A-bomb Dome in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park on August 4th. .

三末篤實司教 (当時、1936-2016)の承認のもと碑石は世界平和記念聖堂に留まることに決定しました。今もこの場所に置かれています。

It was decided with the approval of the then Bishop Atsumi Misue (1936- 2016) that the stone would remain at the Memorial Cathedral for World Peace in Hiroshima.  Where it now remains.


The memorial stone arriving at the Cathedral, August 6, 2005

2016年8月6日 被爆71年

On August 6th, 2016, the 71st anniversary of the atomic bombing on Hiroshima





この碑石は、アメリカの超宗派の市民団体ピース・アビー (平和のための修道の家) によって、紛争に揺れ続けた北アイルランドで和解を呼びかけ、さらに「9・11テロ」の哀しみを癒すためにニューヨークへも旅してきた石です。






In the summer of 2005, this Memorial Stone was pulled by human power alone from Nagasaki to Hiroshima to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing and the termination of the Asian-Pacific War.

A total of 1,500 multilingual volunteers pulled the stone 600 kilometers to honor all civilians killed in war, with special remembrance for the atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It expressed their desire to create a peaceful world by means of dialogue and reconciliation, ending the vicious cycle of violence and retaliation.

Stonewalk Japan was organized by The Peace Abbey, a multi-faith peace organization in the United States and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, an organization formed by family members who lost loved ones on that day who have turned their grief into actions for peace. There have been four similar Stonewalk journeys. In previous years the Memorial Stone was taken to Washington D.C. from Boston, Northern Ireland to remember all the victims of the Troubles, to England and in 2004 to New York from Boston.

Many people have carried and touched the stone to honor the victims of war, and have joined Stonewalk to express their support for the struggle for peace. Stonewalk Hiroshima volunteers obtained permission from church members to place the stone at The Memorial Cathedral for World Peace, which, like the stone, was a gift to the people of Hiroshima.

This Memorial Stone is not an object for worship but rather a symbol representing a deep prayer for the civilians who suffer as a result of war and for the hope for peace to spread from Hiroshima to the world. May the world become free from all violence.

Stonewalk Hiroshima


協同:平和な明日をめざす9.11 遺族の会
A Project of the Peace Abbey, Co-Sponsored by September 11th Families for 9.11 Peaceful Tomorrows


協賛:アメリカンフレンズサービス委員会 American Friends Service Committee, AFSC/ 平和を求める元軍人の会Veterans for Peace/  ハウス オブ ピース House of Peace/  ニューイングランド平和研究協会, New England Peace Studies Association, NEPSA/   発言する兵士家族の会 Military Families Speak Out, MFSO/ 平和と正義のための研究所 Institute for Peace and Justice, IPJ


Dot Walsh


Email: dwalsh508@gmail.com



Lewis Randa

Peace Abbey Foundation



Andrea LeBlanc


Email: aldvm@comcast.net


September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows

P.O. Box 20145

Park West Finance Station

New York, NY 10025



September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th 2001, have united to turn their grief into action for peace. As a group now of more than 150 members they have made contact with other civilian victims of terrorism and war throughout the world. Their mission is to promote dialogue on alternatives to war, while educating the public on issues of peace and the root of war and terrorism. They work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone.


 The Peace Abbey was created in 1988 following Mother Teresa’s visit to the Life Experience School. It traces its roots to the Day of Prayer for World Peace which took place in Assisi, Italy, during the United Nations International Year of Peace, October 27, 1986. The Peace Abbey offers innovative models for society that empower individuals on the path to nonviolence, peacemaking and cruelty free living. The site of The Peace Abbey in Sherborn has changed and now holds the statues and the Peace Wall. The Peace Abbey Foundation, the newly established organization, is located online and administered by Lewis Randa and the students at the Life Experience School in Millis, MA.